Tuesday, September 3, 2019

02 Week

Use single words and simple, memorized phrases to express needs, preferences, and feelings.
Use culturally appropriate greetings, farewells, apologies, and expressions of courtesy.
Use a variety of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to ask memorized questions and express ideas or thoughts with prompting and modeling.
Understand the meaning of simple, spoken greetings, words, and phrases, when accompanied by visual clues and/or prompts, as needed.
Understand the meanings of spoken words that are similar to those in the students’ language.
Identify written words and phrases that are similar to words and phrases in the students’ language.
Interpret phrases, commands, simple questions and descriptions that are presented with accompanying gestures, intonations, and other visual and auditory clues.

Objectives: Review the basics of  Latin noun cases. Review present tense formation for all four conjugations. Review vocabulary with the collaborative activity "Quid est fabula."

Finish Quid est fabula pictures and word identifications. 

One of the big hurdles for any beginning Latin student is dealing with the case system, which essentially does not exist in English. This video is a basic overview of the six main cases in Latin: the nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, ablative, and vocative.

Kahoot: declensions

This video covers the present conjugation from start to finish for all conjugations.

Kahoot: present tense

Wednesday September 4

Sign up for Remind: 2019_2020_Latin02 @hfgfke
text @hfgfke to the number 81010

Sign up for Google Classroom: jmrd36

Sign up for Quizlet for Latin II:  https://quizlet.com/join/XssajReJd

Belwork: copy this chart:

is, ea, id - pronoun song

Kahoot: Dative Case and Noun case review.  Play the LatinTutorial video on the pronoun is, ea, id at the beginning of the Kahoot.

Complete each sentence with the correct form of the missing noun. In pages

1. Caecilius ____________________ discum dat.      Quinto         Quintis                        ad Quintum
Caecilius gives a discus to Quintus.

2. Syphax ___________________ ambulat.                                    villae               villis                 ad villam
Syphax walks to the house.   

3. Quintus ___________________ currit.                                        horto               hortis              ad hortum
Quintus runs to the garden.
4. Caecilius ___________________ stolam tradit.                Melissae           Melissis              ad Melissam
Caecilius hands over the long dress to Melissa.

5. gladiatores ___________________ contendit.                tabernae         taberis            ad tabernam
The gladiators hurry to the store.

6. servi ___________________ festinant.                            Melissae          Melissis           ad Melissam
The slaves hurry to Melissa.

7. mercatores ___________________ vinum offerebat.                hospiti             hospitibus       ad hospites
The merchants were offering wine to the guests.    

8. Caecilius ___________________ ambulat.                                  hospiti             hospitibus       ad hospites
Caecilius walks to the guests.

9. senex ___________________ procedit.                            basilicae          basilicis           ad basilicam
The old man proceeds to the courthouse.

10. servus ___________________ discum tradit.               athletae           athletis                        ad athletas
The slave hands over the discus to the athletes.

11. Grumio ___________________ cibum offert.                          ancillae           ancillis             ad ancillas
Grumio offers food to the slave girls.

12. Quintus ___________________ ambulat.                                 ancillae           ancillis             ad ancillas
Quintus walks to the slave girls.

13. Caecilius ___________________ pecuniam offerebat.            iudici               iudicibus         ad iudices
Caecilius was offering money to the judge.

14. puella ___________________ venit.                                          theatro            theatris      ad theatrum
The girl comes to the theater.

15. Metella ___________________ ceras tradit.     mercatori        mercatoribus       ad mercatores

Metella hands over wax tablets to the merchants.

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