Sunday, September 29, 2019

Monday September 30-October 04

NL.CLL.1.3 Use a variety of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to ask memorized questions and express ideas or thoughts with prompting and modeling
NL.CLL. 2.1 Understand the meaning of simple, spoken greetings, words, and phrases, when accompanied by visual clues and/or prompts, as needed.
NL.CLL. 2.2 Understand the meanings of spoken words that are similar to those in the students’ language.
NL CLL 2.3 Identify written words and phrases that are similar to words and phrases in the students’ language.
NL CLL 2.4 Interpret phrases, commands, simple questions and descriptions that are presented with accompanying gestures, intonations, and other visual and auditory clues.
NL CLL 2.5 Recognize vocabulary and syntax of single words and simple memorized phrases in the target language.
NL.CLL.4.3 Recognize examples of cognates and loan words.

Task 01: Responde 13a (page 97 in textbook)
Use the story with translation to answer the questions in Responde Latine 13a. Find the story and Responde Latine questions here in Google Classroom.  Submit in Google Classroom. I have provided the substitute with hard copies (4) of the translated story (yellow handout) for students who encounter difficulty accessing it in Google Classroom. Share these if needed.

Task 02: Adverbs (for your notebook)
Read the grammar section on Adverbs on  pages100-101. Use the book or this link to study the adverbs. The adverbs are classified into categories. Copy into your notebooks the categories and then supply examples of each category.
  1. adverbs made from adjective
  2. adverbs that indicate time
  3. adverbs that indicate place
  4. adverbs that indicate the manner in an action is done
  5. other adverbs (page 101)

Task 03 Story and vocabulary for Chapter 14 "Who is to Blame"

In this Chapter: Cornelius's reaction to the accident on the Appian way. More about the imperfect tense. The seven kings of Rome.

Task 04Vocabulary for Chapter 14 in Quizlet. PRACTICE.

Task 05. During the last 15 minutes of class Complete pre-reading derivatives Chapter 14 in Google Classroom.

Homework: Finish pre-reading derivatives Vocabulary for Chapter 14 in Quizlet

Tuesday October 01

Objectives: Assessment- Quiz on 14 chapter vocabulary  Practice the imperfect tense. History of Kings of Rome.

EQ. Can you identify the correct form of the imperfect in five sentences (14c)? Who were the major figures in Rome's age of kings? What were they known for? (deeds and misdeeds)

Bellwork: Quiz on vocabulary for Chapter 14 (10 questions)

Complete the following exercise on imperfect verbs.

Kings of Rome. Read about the Kings of Rome (109-111 textbook; also in Google Classroom). Then answer the questions about the period of Kings in Google Classroom.  Find all materials on Kings of Rome here.  Submit answers to question in Google Classroom. 


Wednesday October 02

Complete work from Monday and Tuesday.

14 Chapter Ecce Romani Vocabulary Quiz

Homework: Complete work from Monday and Tuesday.


Thursday October 3

Bellwork: Chapter 13, imperfects

Guided: Check answers to 14c Textbook; 14d and 14e from Activity Book.

Independent: 14_01 Verbs: Ecce Romani -36 Questions

Chapter 15 Periculum in Via - Future tense
Notes: Like the imperfect, the future tense is formed using the present stem (infinitive minus -re).

Copy the charts below, noting that the first and second conjugations have different ending from the 3rd and 4th.

"A and E for 4 and 3. -bo, -bi -bu for 1 and 2.

Begin translating Periculum in Via

Quizlet vocabulary for Periculum in Via

Homework: Organize your notebook so you can turn it in for grading on Friday. Study vocabulary for Periculum in Via.


Friday October 4.
Objective: Adopt Latin mottoes and illustrate them. Review work done September 30 and October 01, identify and  answer questions. Introduction to Chapter 14.

EQ. Why do you think that so many organizations choose Latin mottoes?  

Bellwork: Latin Mottoes on page 103. 

Read over the mottoes on page 103. Choose 2 to illustrate. Your illustrations should contain the Latin, but not the translation. 

Design your motto illustrations to look like a simple symbol, a logo, a bumper sticker, a coat of arms or as a book illustration.  

Your illustrated motto must be large enough to be read from across the room. 

Sketch out your illustration in pencil then add color.
If you want to explore alternate mottoes (for example of the college you want to go to; or a branch of the military, or a profession) you may do that.

Finally. Latin occurs in many spheres of activity.  Through a combination of book and internet research, Find key terms, expressions or mottoes in one of the following:
US money
buildings & monuments
medicine (anatomy & physiology)

Locate a tatoo containing a Latin error. (extra credit)


While you are working on your mottoes, I will be reviewing your classwork and homework assigned on Monday and Tuesday.

Guided instruction: review assignments from Monday and Tuesday. 

Direct and Guided instruction:
In this Chapter: Cornelius's reaction to the accident on the Appian way. More about the imperfect tense. The seven kings of Rome.

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