Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Tuesday September 17-20

NL.CLL.1.3 Use a variety of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to ask memorized questions and express ideas or thoughts with prompting and modeling
NL.CLL. 2.1 Understand the meaning of simple, spoken greetings, words, and phrases, when accompanied by visual clues and/or prompts, as needed.
NL.CLL. 2.2 Understand the meanings of spoken words that are similar to those in the students’ language.
NL CLL 2.3 Identify written words and phrases that are similar to words and phrases in the students’ language.
NL CLL 2.4 Interpret phrases, commands, simple questions and descriptions that are presented with accompanying gestures, intonations, and other visual and auditory clues.
NL CLL 2.5 Recognize vocabulary and syntax of single words and simple memorized phrases in the target language.
NL.CLL.4.3 Recognize examples of cognates and loan words

Objective: Review grammar and vocabulary for On the Banks of the Tiber;  review noun declensions; review various uses of the ablative case.

Noun chart with new words. Here is a list of alternative nouns to use to make your chart.

Practice with a partner or by yourself this set of vocabulary for On the Banks of the Tiber in Quizlet.

Independent & guided: Finish and review answers for questions for On the Banks of the Tiber. 

Whole group (Latin II and III) Quizlet Live with vocabulary (60 terms) from review text "On the Banks of the Tiber."

Kahoot for Chapter 12 (grammar)
Kahoot for Vocabulary Chapter 12
100 most frequently used words in Ecce Romani
74 most important verbs in Ecce Romani

Wednesday September 18
Bellwork and beyond:
Study pages 90-91. Answer the following questions:
1. Give in Latin 5 question words that may be answered by a preposition followed by a noun in the ablative (e.g "ubi")
2. Define and give an example of the "ablative of time when or within which."
3. Define and give an example of the "ablative of instrument or means."
4. Define and give an example of the "ablative of manner."
5. Define and give an example of the "ablative of respect."

Independent. Do exercise 12b on page 91.

Study vocabulary for Chapter 12 until teacher is able to review with Latin II answers to Bellwork, Exercise 12, and last questions on "On the Banks of the Tiber."

Guided: review of independent work assigned above.

Dative case. Study pages 189-192 and do exercise 22f.
Guided: Review worksheet on dative case (last page)

Noun endings practice with Quizlet.

Whole class (Latin II and Latin III)
Kahoot for Chapter 12 (grammar)
Kahoot for Vocabulary Chapter 12

Thursday September 19

Dative case. Independent and guided. Study pages 189-192 and do exercise 22f.
Guided: Review worksheet on dative case (last page)

Homework: Noun endings practice with Quizlet.

Friday September 20

Objective: Begin Chapter 13. Introduce the imperfect tense. Translate first paragraph of Story 13.  Review content for Chapters 1-12.

EQ: How do we determine the conjugation to which a verb belongs?  How is the imperfect tense expressed in Latin. Translated into English? What is the tense sign for the imperfect? 

Bellwork: Practice vocabulary for Chapter 13 "Disaster," with Quizlet.

Direct instruction: Formation of imperfect verbs; identifying the conjugation to which a verb belongs.

Game day (choices)

Whole class (Latin II and Latin III)
Quizlet Live: Chapters 1-10 Verbs (95 terms)
Quizlet Live: Chapters 1-12 Nouns (30 terms)
Quizlet Live: Chapters 1-12 Small words (28 terms)
Kahoot for Chapter 12 (grammar)
Kahoot for Vocabulary Chapter 12
Quizizz Vocabulary chapters 8-12

Homework: Study vocabulary for Story 13

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