Monday, September 16, 2019

Monday September 16


NL.CLL.1.3 Use a variety of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to ask memorized questions and express ideas or thoughts with prompting and modeling
NL.CLL. 2.1 Understand the meaning of simple, spoken greetings, words, and phrases, when accompanied by visual clues and/or prompts, as needed.
NL.CLL. 2.2 Understand the meanings of spoken words that are similar to those in the students’ language.
NL CLL 2.3 Identify written words and phrases that are similar to words and phrases in the students’ language.
NL CLL 2.4 Interpret phrases, commands, simple questions and descriptions that are presented with accompanying gestures, intonations, and other visual and auditory clues.
NL CLL 2.5 Recognize vocabulary and syntax of single words and simple memorized phrases in the target language.
NL.CLL.4.3 Recognize examples of cognates and loan words.

Objective. Review of vocabulary and grammar. Verb and nouns forms in On the Banks of the Tiber.

EQ: What thought processes must one go through to identify forms of verbs and nouns in Latin?

Bellwork: On the Banks of the Tiber pages 94-95. Copy vocabulary.

Noun and Declension Review (handout- exerices from Chapter 11)

Guided: Demonstrate and practice how to use translations in Quizlet for collaborative work using on the Banks of the Tiber.  Long vocabulary list in Quizlet; shorter one.

Translate in groups this passage from page 94 in textbook. Use a Quizlet, classroom dictionary or the glossary at the back of your textbook. No devices (iPad, phone or computer) may be used for vocabulary.

In Italia prope fluvium Tiberim habitat pastor quidam, nomine Faustulus.

Hodie ad casam redit et uxorem, nomine Accam Larentiam, magna voce vocat, "Uxor! Veni celeriter ad me!"

Larentia venit et virum rogat, "Quid est, coniunx? Cur me vocas?"

"Veni mecum ad ripam fluvii," respondet Faustulus. "Rem miram tibi  ostendere volo. Necesse est nobis festinare."

Pastor et uxor e casa currunt et ad Tiberim festinant. Larentia virum multa rogat. Vir tamen nihil respondet sed uxorem ad ripam fluvii ducit. Ubi adveniunt,

Larentia ripam spectat. Ibi videt lupam, quae pueros geminos alit. Lupa pueros
diligenter curat et lingua lambit.

"Age, Faustule," clamat Larentia. "Ramum arboris arripe et lupam repelle!"

"Cur me lupam repellere iubes?" rogat vir. "Lupa pueros neque vexat neque terret. Ecce! Pueros curat quod eos amat."

"Ita vero," respondet uxor, "sed ego pueros ad casam nostram portare volo.
Ego et tu pueros velut liberos nostros curare debemus."

Faustulus ad lupam appropinquat. Eam ramo repellere parat. Lupa tamen neque latrat neque pastorem petit sed pueros lambit et in silvam effugit. Tum pastor et uxor pueros ad casam portant. "Sine dubio," exclamat Faustulus, "sunt pueri mirabiles."

fluvius, i m. river
Tiberis, Tiberis m Tiber River
pastor, pastoris m. shepherd
casa, -ae f. cottage
voco, vocare  to call
coniunx, coniugis m/f spouse
ripa, ae, f. river bank
rem iram a wonderful thing
tibi to you
ostendo, ostendere to show
multa  many things
geminus, i m. twin
alo, alere to feed, nourish
diligenter  carefully
lingua, ae f. tongue
lambo, lambere  to lick

1. Who is Faustulus?
2. Whom does he call with a loud voice?
3. To what place is it necessary to hurry?
4. What does Larentia see when she gets there?
5. What is the she-wolf doing?
6. What does Larentia want to do with the boys?
7. What are the last two things that the she-wolf does?
8. What, in Faustulus's judgment, are the boys?

Exercise IIf: Identification of Forms
In the passage on page 94, identify the following:
1. One 1st person singular verb.
2. Two 2nd person singular verbs.
3. One 1st person plural verb.
4. Three imperatives.
5. Three words in the genitive case and the noun that each modifies.
6. Three prepositional phrases with the accusative case.
7. Three prepositional phrases with the ablative case.

8. Four uses of the ablative case without a preposition.
Homework: Noun chart on page 187. Create a new chart with appropriate nouns from Ecce Romani I that follow the same pattern as the nouns in the chart.

100 most frequently used words in Ecce Romani
74 most important verbs in Ecce Romani

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