Friday, November 8, 2019

18 Chapter Nouns and Adjectives


Task 01
Open your textbook to page 138-140 and read about nouns and adjectives. Take notes.

Task 02: 18b What does each adjective modify? Explain your decisions. Then translate. You may work collaboratively. Submit work here.

1. magnus modifies dog; The large dog had bones.

Task 03. 18c. Identify all 3rd declension adjectives. Tell what noun each modifies and what gender, case and number each is. Then translate. Submit work here.

1. omnes modifies viatores. It is masculine, nominative plural.  All the travelers were arriving at the inn in the evening.

Task 04. Continue making vocabulary cards:
Make vocabulary cards using index cards. Find lists here. We are going to use these for games and making cards will help you review the words you are expected to know by now.
Madeline can show you where the index cards are. These must be well-done, legible, neat, exemplary.  No tiny words in scribble. Write all the information that is included in the lists.  Use Quizlet flashcard for a model of a vocabulary card. 

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