Monday, November 4, 2019

Monday November 4 Latin II - MYTH DAY


Today you are going to look at short TEDed videos on ancient mythology (about 5 minutes each).  I have put together 11 and you can get to the links HERE. 

Your task today is to look  at least eight of these on your iPad and then pick three to write about and research further.  You can view them alone or in pairs. 

In writing about your choices I want you to pretend that you are trying to pitch the story to a famous film director for a full length movie.  You have a short time to grab the director's attention and persuade her/him that the myth will have wide appeal and why.  You will have to include character and plot details, but your main task is to present  information from the short videos in a way that will sell it. 

What is the main plot line?
Why is the story worth telling?
How is the moral of the myth relevant to today's world?

You must write at least three well-crafted paragraphs (full sentences; correct grammar and spellings). Give it a personal dimension, if you can. This myth moved you because...

Good well-crafted paragraphs always begin with brainstorming. Make a list of arresting details as you watch each video for the first, second or third time. Then organize these details. 

If 1-3 of you want to do the same myth, you can work together - discuss, brainstorm, develop ideas. 

However, you cannot all focus on the same myths. Talk with each other so that you can decide what your three pitches will be and that they will be, for the most part, different. 

Turn in rough drafts tonight so I can read them before you meet again tomorrow. 

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