Sunday, November 17, 2019

November 12-15 (Latin II)

Task 01
Study vocabulary on first two pages of handout. Then study the Quizlet list of vocabulary for Chapter 18. Use flashcard or matching mode.  (15 minutes)

Task 02
Do 18b in packet "Vocabulary in Context, "Ecce Romani 18 Activities 18b-18d (packet/handout). Nota bene: teacher has answers to the exercises in the packet, so she can help you if you get stuck. 

Task 03
Do 18c in "Ecce Romani 18 Activities 18b-18d (packet/handout). I have given you the declensions of the nouns used in 18c; for the adjective declensions see charts above. 

Task 04
Teacher: When everyone has finished 18b and 18c - review answers and make corrections using answer key. Choose one student to do 18b and another to do 18c.

Students: if you finish before others have done 18b &18c, study this Quizlet set on adjectives so you will be ready for a game of VINCO. 

Task 05. Play VINCO with adjectives (handouts). Each student receives a copy of the adjective lists to glue/tape into their notebooks. Study for 10 minutes. Close notebooks when game begins. Do not use lists while playing the game.  

HOMEWORK: Study this Quizlet set on adjectives or the lists in your notebooks.

Wednesday November 13

Task 01. Read/study the Latin text "Arrival at the Inn" p. 137 to prepare for a translation quiz. (10 minutes)

Task 02.
18 Ecce Romani Arrival at the Inn Translation  (20-30 minutes)

Task 03
Do 18d in adjective packet. (10 minutes)

Task 04.
In Word Study section read page 147 and do Exercise 5. (20 minutes)

Task 05
Study for Bellum (Thursday) - adjectives and adverbs

If the class was not able to do both Vinco games from the day before, the class can continue the game when all have finished Tasks 01-04. . 

HOMEWORK: Study for Bellum

Thursday November 14

Task 01
18 Practice Test: Adjective / Noun agreement 2019  (20 minutes)

Task 02.  One more time: Study for Bellum

Task 03. Distribute answer key for Word Study Exercise 5 (See Wednesday). Handout for each student. Students correct your answers. 

Task 04. Bellum with adverbs and adjectives. Latin II and Latin III can play this game together. I have created three game sheets; and three answer sheets.  

Friday November 15

Spend 10 minutes studying the vocabulary for Chapter 19

More to come...

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