Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Week 01

Use single words and simple, memorized phrases to express needs, preferences, and feelings.
Use culturally appropriate greetings, farewells, apologies, and expressions of courtesy.
Use a variety of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to ask memorized questions and express ideas or thoughts with prompting and modeling.
Understand the meaning of simple, spoken greetings, words, and phrases, when accompanied by visual clues and/or prompts, as needed.
Understand the meanings of spoken words that are similar to those in the students’ language.
Identify written words and phrases that are similar to words and phrases in the students’ language.
Interpret phrases, commands, simple questions and descriptions that are presented with accompanying gestures, intonations, and other visual and auditory clues.

Objectives: Review the basics of meeting and greeting in Latin. Review how Latin is pronounced. Review vocabulary with the collaborative activity "Quid est fabula."

EQ: What are the basics of meeting and greeting in Latin? How is Latin pronounced? 


The Romans valued highly "urbanitas" which means politeness or good manners. They used often words like please "quaeso" or "te amabo"  and thank you "gratiam ago."  We are going to practice meeting and greeting each other in Latin. But first you need to copy for you notebooks the following:

Salve (hello to one person)
Quid agis? How are you?
Ut vales? How are you doing?
Quid nomen est tibi? What is your name?
Nomen est mihi.... My name is
Vale! Goodbye (to one person)

Then copy the following words and images, which are answers to the questions quid agis? and ut vales?:

Now put these words into practice by introducing yourself to others in the class,  learning their names and how they are feeling.  I will then ask you about what you learned about members of the class.

Pronouncing Latin: De Latine Loquendo

Handout: Greetings (Traupman)

Spotlight on Class rules and procedures. Information handout.  Practice hand signals. (handout)

Bookmark the url for the Latin II blog:

Sign up for Quizlet

Discuss: Palmyra: the modern destruction of an ancient city (SmartHistory, Kahn 

HOMEWORK: Practice this Quizlet set of greeting words. Have parents sign filled-out information sheet and iPad contract.

Tuesday August 27

Bellwork: Read over the Latin with translations of Chapter 1-13, Ecce Romani I.

Noun Declensions: which video do you prefer? Note that thee

Simple and straight forward (Classical Conversations)
Funny guy with glasses

Here is a link to charts for all declensions: Link to declension charts
Here is a link to Declensions in Google Classroom.

Direct instruction: How to complete your Review Packet. Form groups of 2-4 and complete the review Packet activities for Chapters 1 and 2. 

Guided instruction: Review group work.

Independent or collaborative: Noun and declension review worksheet. Do part I: color by cases.

Homework: Review vocabulary in Quizlet for
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Parts of Speech
Watch this video (8 minutes):

Wednesday August 28

Bellwork:  Hand in your review packet. Watch video on Latin's Case system. 

Independent: Do the first  sections of page ONE of the handout (color by case and declension the Roman villa) Latin II: Noun Cases (Nominative, Dative, & Accusative) Handout on noun declensions.

Guided: review answers/questions for Review Packet.
Guided: listen to audio for stories 1-6

Review vocabulary in Quizlet (and/or Quizlet live)
Ecce Romani Chapter 03
Ecce Romani Chapter 04
Ecce Romani Chapter 05
Ecce Romani Chapter 06
Quizizz 03
Quizizz 04
Quizizz 01-06

In small groups or pairs continue Review packet up through Chapter 6.

Guided and independent: Latin II: Noun Cases (Nominative, Dative, & Accusative) Handout on noun declensions. 

Homework: Page 3 of Declension handout (Dative Case).

Thursday August 29

Bellwork: Copy quotation from Cicero. It is from a legal case he prosecuted against a man called Catilina, who planned to kill leading senators, burn Rome and overthrow the Roman government.  He was called out on rumors of his plot several times before he fled Rome to meet up with an army he had assembled there. Catiline's co-conspirators who remained in Rome were executed without a trial (an act that would hurt Cicero later). These co-conspirators were from the upper class and families that were historically famous for leadership and achievements.

“Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra?” (“How long, Catiline, will you go on abusing our patience”) - Cicero

Has been replayed as a signal of  fundamental and principled political opposition. That goes from the hardline Republican senator for Texas, Ted Cruz, who just last year started his attack on Barack Obama’s immigration plans with the words, “When, President Obama, do you mean to cease abusing our patience?”, to protesters against the government in Hungary a couple of years before who emblazoned banners with just the words Quousque tandem.

Latin III: This article is worth reading. Link to text read by Moses Hades.  Perseus Latin and English.

Enroll in Latin II Quizizz

Take quizzes

Quizizz 03 (code) 803059
Quizizz 04 (code) 630411
Quizizz 01-06 (code)  193356

Turn in completed Declension handout. Independently or with a partner do Chapters 07-08 in Review Packet. 


Friday August 30

Bellwork:  Get out your translation packet and sit near the boom box at the front of the room. Listen to audio for first chapters of Ecce Romani I, following along with your translation packet. Ja'
quan will operate the boom box.

Independent: Review nouns and verbs in this Quizlet set. You will use these in our next activity.

Collaborative activityQuid est Fabula?

As time allows: Continue working on Latin II review packet.

Monday September 03

Guided: review with students answers to Dative sentences on page 3 of Declension handout; and answers to questions for 07-08 in Review Packet. 

Homework: Do chapters 7-8 in Review Packet. Find the translations to the stories here (Google classroom).   Or go directly to Quizlet: 07 Ecce Romani Translation and 08 Ecce Romani Translation.

Note: We will do the dialogue in Chapter 8 in class.

Record vocabulary for the story (handout) "On the banks of the Tiber." (Also in Google Classroom)

Guided: Listen and repeat as teacher reads the story and vocabulary for the story "On the Banks of the Tiber." 

Independent (diagnostic test) answer the questions about the story. 

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