Monday, October 14, 2019

Tuesday October 15- Kings of Rome

Latin II Tuesday October 15 - Kings of Rome
Salvete, discipuli. I am counting on you to show your best selves while I am away and to help the substitute in guiding the class. Please maintain your groups:
Jordan               JaQuan
Daniel               Eli
Collin                Syl
Sean                  T'Keisah

Homework: polish your paragraph on a king of Rome. Study vocabulary and do the prereading derivatives for Chapter 14. 

Google Classroom Kings of Rome assignment (due by the end of class). Do the reading, watch the video, answer the questions and submit to Google Classroom by the end of class. Or end of the day. Due October 15. 

Here are the names of the seven kings of Rome and student assignments:

Romulus                                       753-716 (37) -Sean
Numa Pompilius                          715-673 (40) -Eli
Tullus Hostilius                            673-638 (35) - Syl
Ancus Marcius                             638-614 (24) - Collin
Tarquinius Priscus                        614-576 (38) - T'Kesah
Servius Tullius                              576-535 (41) - Jaquan
Tarquinius Superbus                     535-510 (25) -Daniel

Lucretia - Jordan

Read more about the Monarchy here.  

Each student has been assigned one king of Rome to investigate further using the Monarchy (above) text and the textbook reading in Google Classroom (textbook pages 109-111). Lucretia played a major role in the fall of the Monarchy. 

Each student should write up in English a well-developed paragraph (5-7 sentences) in which s/he impersonates  their historical figure. E.g. "I am x. I came from y. I am known for...." Try to include as many facts from the readings and video as you can. 

I have asked Latin III students to help you with your paragraphs, if you need it. 

Plan to act out your person while reading your text tomorrow.  

Another resource: Link to Quizlet set on kings of Rome

Review the vocabulary for Chapter 14 Practice vocabulary Chapter 14.  Then do the prereading derivatives for Chapter 14.

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