Sunday, October 6, 2019

Monday October 07

NL.CLL.1.3 Use a variety of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to ask memorized questions and express ideas or thoughts with prompting and modeling
NL.CLL. 2.1 Understand the meaning of simple, spoken greetings, words, and phrases, when accompanied by visual clues and/or prompts, as needed.
NL.CLL. 2.2 Understand the meanings of spoken words that are similar to those in the students’ language.
NL CLL 2.3 Identify written words and phrases that are similar to words and phrases in the students’ language.
NL CLL 2.4 Interpret phrases, commands, simple questions and descriptions that are presented with accompanying gestures, intonations, and other visual and auditory clues.
NL CLL 2.5 Recognize vocabulary and syntax of single words and simple memorized phrases in the target language.
NL.CLL.4.3 Recognize examples of cognates and loan words.

Bellwork; Future tense

To fortify your learning of the future tense and add to your notes, use this PowerPoint on the Future Tense.

Independent: Study
Periculum in Via Vocabulary with Derivatives

Guided instruction. Translation of Periculum in Via part 01

Diu familia a viā stabat et nox celeriter appropinquabat. Sextus 

sollicitus erat. Aureliam rogabat, “Quid faciemus? Ubi ibimus? 

Ubi pernoctabimus?” 

“Tace!” Aurelia clamavit. “Pater cogitat.” Cornelius prope 

Aureliam stabat. Erat sollicitus. 

“Ignem facere poterimusne?” rogabat Cornelia. “Erit frigida mox. 

Ubi equī dormient? Ubi aquam et frumentum equīs inveniemus?” 

Eucleides dixit, “Dominus, consilium habeo. Est caupōna amicī 

meī in hāc viā . Monstrabo tē. Aedificium non procul est. Erimus 

salvī si manebimus ibi.” 

“Nolī dicere!” Cornelius irate dixit. “Nolo audire tua consilia! 

Cauponae periculosae et sordidae sunt. Tacite, omnes. Necesse est 

mīhi cogitare!” 

Subito, familia sonōs equorum in viā audiebant. Nubes pulveris 

appropinquabat per tenebrās. 

“Eugēpae!” dixit Sextus. “Hominēs appropinquant. Nōs 



Whole class: Share and complete motto project

 Tense game: Choose with your feet

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