Thursday, October 24, 2019

Monday October 28 -October 30 Irregular Verbs and Verb Review

Thursday October 30- Update

Task 1: Finish your matching translation activity (3-page handout)

Task 2. Those of you who haven't done this yet, do Responde Latine 17a in Google Classroom 

Task 3
17c Matching Quiz (p.129)

Task 4. Nouns and Cases p. 132 Textbook. Submit in Google Classroom.

Monday October 28
Quia passcodes

We still need to do some review. 

Copy into your notebook the chart on page 128

Class and Homework: 
Practice the following quiz in Quia. 10-01 All verbs Ecce Romani chapters 1-10 part 01

Pre-reading derivatives in Google Classroom

Tuesday October 29

09 Story & Vocabulary "Do We Stay at the Inn?"
Verb Chart
Walking translation - matching "Do we stay at the Inn
Gods and Goddesses Packet

Responde Latine 17a in Google Classroom (due today)

16c Google Classroom (overdue)

October 29 Tuesday

Task 01
Glue/tape the following handouts into your notebooks
17 Story and Vocabulary 
17 Pre-reading derivatives

Task 02
Translation matching game.  
Students: Close books and notebooks.  Do not use the textbook or notes to do this game. If you need to look up a word use one of the Latin dictionaries in the room or go to "latdict."

Teacher: Give each student the three-page handout with English translations of Story 09 "Goodbye" on the left side of each page. 
Students, put your name and the date on your handout.  
Teacher: distribute one index card with a Latin translation on it to each student in the class. You will have extra translations. Attach these to the whiteboard using the magnets on the left side of the board. OR put them in the chalk tray for the board. 

Each student should match the Latin on their index card with the English on their handout. When a student has finished s/he can take a card from another student who has finished with the card (i.e. trade cards), or take a card from the board and put your used card on the board. 

Students should continue recording translations and exchanging used cards for new ones - taking a new card either from another student or from the board - until each has a complete translation. 

Students. Note that some cards have a grammar question in addition to the translation. You must answer this too. 

Students: When you have finished go on to the next tasks.

Task 03: Responde Latine 17a in Google Classroom 

Task 04: Irregular Verbs Quia
17 Chapter Ecce Noun Review: cases, declension, noun/adjective agreement

Task 05: Complete Google Classroom assignments. Note: There is a link to the textbook in Google Classroom if you need to consult it.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Monday October 21-October 25

Note: I will be entering in PowerSchool grades for all the following assignments before Sunday October 27. And for prior assignments. This is the week to catch up. Check the blog and Google Classroom for past assignments you have have not done.

For some of the Google Classroom assignments there are hard copies in a folder I gave to the substitute. For example "pre-reading derivatives." As about these if you prefer to get a hard copy and submit a picture of it. 

Advice: Do the following assignments in the following order. The Quizizz asignments will expire mid-week. Use well the 90 minutes of class time. Plan to do homework.

Complete the following assignments from last week:

1. Impersonation of a king or Lucretia (Google Classroom)

2. 15 Chapter Vocabulary: Go to and Choose 15 Chapter Vocabulary.

3. Chapter 16 Responde Latine 16a. Go here in Google Classroom.

4. Chapter 16 pre-reading derivatives. Go here in Google Classroom.

5. Chapter 16 Part I. Go to Go to and Choose 16 Chapter Part I

6. Chapter 16 Part II. Go to and choose 16 Ecce Romani, part 2 - kvinies

7. Chapter 14 pre-reading derivatives. Go here in Google Classroom.

8. 23d Chapter Activity Practicing the Future Tense (Google Classroom)

9. 23f Present or Future Tense How do You Decide?
New for Week of October 21-25: 

Chapter 14-15 Verbs present and imperfect Quia. Know the forms. Review pages 98 and 106-107. If you have misplaced your Quia password and username, look on the pink sheets at the front of the class. Held by magnets on the small white board. Then put the sheet back.

Kings of Rome Quia 20 questions (2 attempts allowed)
Quia 16_15 Ecce Romani Vocabulary Quiz -25 Questions

17e and 17f Irregular Verbs - Google Classroom

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Friday October 18 16c and 16b Vocabulary Practice

Friday October 18. Chapter 16

Classwork: Submit pre-reading derivatives for Chapter 16 if you haven't yet (see previous post)

Then on your own paper complete the following exercises. Sub has answers to 16b. (30 minutes)

Students: Here the sub will need a volunteer (who feels that their pronunciation of Latin is pretty good) to give the answers to 16b and 16d. You, students, can share this task among you, if you want.

Practice Quizizz set on Chaper 16 I
Or go to
and enter this code: 866972

Practice Quizizz set on Chapter 16 II Grammar and vocabulary.
Go to
OR and enter this code 

For Homework and when there is extra time in Class 
(in response to requests from Sean and Syl; but for whole class. I will be able to tell who did this and how often.)

Practice Vocabulary for chapters 8-12 

More vocabulary practice 8-12 (63 terms)

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Wednesday October 16

Wednesday October 17

Spend 20 minutes polishing and adding to your king impersonation. Then perform it for Latin III. 
Turn your text into Google Classroom.

Next: practice 15 vocabulary with quizlet

Use the chart and the text in your textbook pages 114-115 to complete the Neuter Noun worksheet. (Sub has it in notebook)

Practice vocabulary for Chapter  15 (class and homework). Then do Then do the prereading derivatives for Chapter 14. (Turn in via Google Classroom)

Quiz on vocabulary for Chapter 15
and enter this code

Monday, October 14, 2019

Tuesday October 15- Kings of Rome

Latin II Tuesday October 15 - Kings of Rome
Salvete, discipuli. I am counting on you to show your best selves while I am away and to help the substitute in guiding the class. Please maintain your groups:
Jordan               JaQuan
Daniel               Eli
Collin                Syl
Sean                  T'Keisah

Homework: polish your paragraph on a king of Rome. Study vocabulary and do the prereading derivatives for Chapter 14. 

Google Classroom Kings of Rome assignment (due by the end of class). Do the reading, watch the video, answer the questions and submit to Google Classroom by the end of class. Or end of the day. Due October 15. 

Here are the names of the seven kings of Rome and student assignments:

Romulus                                       753-716 (37) -Sean
Numa Pompilius                          715-673 (40) -Eli
Tullus Hostilius                            673-638 (35) - Syl
Ancus Marcius                             638-614 (24) - Collin
Tarquinius Priscus                        614-576 (38) - T'Kesah
Servius Tullius                              576-535 (41) - Jaquan
Tarquinius Superbus                     535-510 (25) -Daniel

Lucretia - Jordan

Read more about the Monarchy here.  

Each student has been assigned one king of Rome to investigate further using the Monarchy (above) text and the textbook reading in Google Classroom (textbook pages 109-111). Lucretia played a major role in the fall of the Monarchy. 

Each student should write up in English a well-developed paragraph (5-7 sentences) in which s/he impersonates  their historical figure. E.g. "I am x. I came from y. I am known for...." Try to include as many facts from the readings and video as you can. 

I have asked Latin III students to help you with your paragraphs, if you need it. 

Plan to act out your person while reading your text tomorrow.  

Another resource: Link to Quizlet set on kings of Rome

Review the vocabulary for Chapter 14 Practice vocabulary Chapter 14.  Then do the prereading derivatives for Chapter 14.

Thursday October 17 Why is Sextus a Pest

Thursday October 17.  Chapter 16: Why is Sextus a Pest?

Study vocabulary for 16 in Quizlet.

Vocabulary (Copy into notebook):

In your group answer the following questions about the text:
_16a Responde Latine EXERCISE 16a  pages 119-120

1. Cur nihil facere Sextum taedebat?

2. Quid facit Sextus?

3. Quid faciebant pueri?

4. Cur est Cornelia irata?

5. Habebatne Sextus in animo

Corneliam ferire?

6. Qualis puer est Sextus?

7. Cur Sextus cum Corneliis havitat

8. Cur mater Sexti filium non curat

9. Vultne Cornelia pila ludere?

Submit to Google Classroom

16 Pre-reading derivatives (for Homework or extra time in classroom) Submit in Google Classroom.

For Homework and when extra time for Classwork (in response to requests from Sean and Syl; but for whole class. I will be able to tell who did this and how often.

Practice Vocabulary for chapters 8-12 

More vocabulary practice 8-12 (63 terms)

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Wednesday-Thursday October 9-10

NM.CLL.2.2 Understand the meaning of memorized words and phrases in sentences.
NM.CLL.2.3  Generalize short fiction and non-fiction passages about familiar topics in the target language, using context clues (signs, charts, graphs, etc.).
NM.CLL.2.4  Infer conclusions from simple spoken and written passages about familiar topics, using context clues and cognates.
NM.CLL.2.5  Understand language components (stems, prefixes, tones, verb endings, parts of speech) that are used in the target language.
NM.CLL.3.3  Use appropriate pronunciation and voice inflection in spoken presentations.

Objective: Future tense and translation practice. Assessment.

Translation check
“Quid faciemus?  Ubi ibimus?  Ubi pernoctabimus?”
Tace!” Aurelia clamavit.  “Pater cogitat.” Cornelius prope Aureliam stabat. Erat sollicitus. “Ignem facere poterimusne?” rogabat Cornelia.  “Erit frigida mox.  Ubi equī dormient?  Ubi aquam et frumentum equīs inveniemus?”
Eucleides dixit,  “Dominus, consilium habeo.  Est caupōna amicī meī in hāc viā . Monstrabo tē.  Aedificium non procul est.  Erimus salvī si manebimus ibi.”

Review translations

Guided instruction
Copy the sentences and fill in the correct verbs
Guided: first 5 questions of homework 23f

Independent: Motto project


Bellwork: practice with tenses of verbs: present imperfect future.

Subito, dux vertit.
“Scisne,” dixit. “ In hāc viā caupona est. Non est procul. Hūc ambulare potestis. Tamen in cauponā non pernoctabimus.” Postea latrones in nubem pulveris cum equīs Corneliī discessit.

Dum latronēs spectabat, Cornelius tandem Eucleidei dixit, “Dic mihi de hāc caupona quī mihi narrabas. “Potesnē eum invenire?”

“Ita verō, domine!” respondit Eucleides. “In hāc viā est. Mox videbis. Non procul est.”

Cornelius adnuit. “Duc nōs hūc,” dixit.

Dum familia ambulabat, Sextus Marcō dixit, “Marcus, hominēs in agrō ā viā spectabasnē?”

“Latronēs spectabam, “ Marcus dixit. “Nulli hominēs in agrō erant.”

“Erant!” Sextus dixit. “Tarde ambulabant. Paucī raedae nostrae appropinquabant et unus gemebat. Tibi narrare temptabam sed latrones veniebant.”

Marcus Sextō dixit, “ Sexte! Cur tu es tam molestus? Age! Ambulare celeriter necesse est. Pater iratus erit si sumus tardī.”

Sextus nihil dixit. Agrum spectabat. Cogitabat, “Erant hominēs. Ubi nunc sunt?”


Guided: Translation of Periculum in Via

Guided: Review of vocabulary and grammar for Periculum in Via.

Study these Quizlet sets on Periculum in Via:
Vocabulary and grammar

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Tuesday October 8 Periculum in Via and future tense continued

NM.CLL.2.2 Understand the meaning of memorized words and phrases in sentences.
NM.CLL.2.3  Generalize short fiction and non-fiction passages about familiar topics in the target language, using context clues (signs, charts, graphs, etc.).
NM.CLL.2.4  Infer conclusions from simple spoken and written passages about familiar topics, using context clues and cognates.
NM.CLL.2.5  Understand language components (stems, prefixes, tones, verb endings, parts of speech) that are used in the target language.
NM.CLL.3.3  Use appropriate pronunciation and voice inflection in spoken presentations.

Objective. Future tense and translation practice.

EQ. What are the endings for the future tense in all four conjugations?

Separate the stems from the endings & translate:
  1. amatis
  2. ambulabis
  3. est
  4. portabo
  5. paramus
  6. habitant
  7. parabunt
  8. navigo
Independent/collaborative. Go to Google Classroom and follow the instructions to complete 23d Activity Future Tense.

Guided instruction. Continue translation of Periculum in Via

“Tacete! dixit Cornelius. “Celeriter omnēs celate!” 

“Ubi?” Cornelia rogat. 

“In fossam!” dixit Cornelius. “Currite nunc!” 

Familia ad fossam properabat sed nōn satis temporis erat. “Ecce!” dixit magna vox in tenebrīs. “Quid video? Pretiosam raedam cum duōbus equīs?” Ubi hominēs sunt? Venite in viam, mī bonī amicī!” vox dixit. 

“Nolī movere!” Cornelius familiae dixit sed iam serō erat. Trēs magnī hominēs cum gladiīs familiam circumdabant. Familiam in mediam viam ducebant. Omnes tacitī erant. Nemo lacrimabat quamquam omnes timidissimī erant. Homō magnā voce circum familiam ambulabat et spectabat. Aliī hominēs ē raedā cistās capiebant. 

“Portabimus tibi hās rēs.” homō dixit. Vestēs, gemmās nobīs capere necesse est. Etiam equōs volemus. Nonne dabitis eōs nobis?” Dux latronum altus erat. Erant paucī dentēs in ore. 

Cornelius nihil dixit. Subito unus latronum Sextum arripit. “Fortasse, dixit, “Unum ex liberis capere debemus?” Latro gladium prope collum Sexti tenebat. Certe, familia magnum pretium dabit.” 

Cornelius vertit. Iratissimus erat. “Sum Romanus Senator. Si meos liberos capies, militēs principis vos invenient et necabunt.” Dux latronum ridebat. 

Dux latroni dixit, “ Captivōs capere non necesse est.” Satis praedae habemus.” Latronēs onera vestium, gemmarum Corneliorum in equōs ponebant. “Ago tibi gratias!” Dux Corneliō dixit. Subito, dux vertit....

Homework: Review translation notes and study vocabulary for Periculum in Via.
Periculum in Via vocabulary Quizlet and Vocabulary and Tense Practice Set.
Polish translation of text up to "Dux latronum ridebat."

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Monday October 07

NL.CLL.1.3 Use a variety of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to ask memorized questions and express ideas or thoughts with prompting and modeling
NL.CLL. 2.1 Understand the meaning of simple, spoken greetings, words, and phrases, when accompanied by visual clues and/or prompts, as needed.
NL.CLL. 2.2 Understand the meanings of spoken words that are similar to those in the students’ language.
NL CLL 2.3 Identify written words and phrases that are similar to words and phrases in the students’ language.
NL CLL 2.4 Interpret phrases, commands, simple questions and descriptions that are presented with accompanying gestures, intonations, and other visual and auditory clues.
NL CLL 2.5 Recognize vocabulary and syntax of single words and simple memorized phrases in the target language.
NL.CLL.4.3 Recognize examples of cognates and loan words.

Bellwork; Future tense

To fortify your learning of the future tense and add to your notes, use this PowerPoint on the Future Tense.

Independent: Study
Periculum in Via Vocabulary with Derivatives

Guided instruction. Translation of Periculum in Via part 01

Diu familia a viā stabat et nox celeriter appropinquabat. Sextus 

sollicitus erat. Aureliam rogabat, “Quid faciemus? Ubi ibimus? 

Ubi pernoctabimus?” 

“Tace!” Aurelia clamavit. “Pater cogitat.” Cornelius prope 

Aureliam stabat. Erat sollicitus. 

“Ignem facere poterimusne?” rogabat Cornelia. “Erit frigida mox. 

Ubi equī dormient? Ubi aquam et frumentum equīs inveniemus?” 

Eucleides dixit, “Dominus, consilium habeo. Est caupōna amicī 

meī in hāc viā . Monstrabo tē. Aedificium non procul est. Erimus 

salvī si manebimus ibi.” 

“Nolī dicere!” Cornelius irate dixit. “Nolo audire tua consilia! 

Cauponae periculosae et sordidae sunt. Tacite, omnes. Necesse est 

mīhi cogitare!” 

Subito, familia sonōs equorum in viā audiebant. Nubes pulveris 

appropinquabat per tenebrās. 

“Eugēpae!” dixit Sextus. “Hominēs appropinquant. Nōs 



Whole class: Share and complete motto project

 Tense game: Choose with your feet

Friday, October 4, 2019

Friday October 4

NL.CLL.1.3 Use a variety of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to ask memorized questions and express ideas or thoughts with prompting and modeling
NL.CLL. 2.1 Understand the meaning of simple, spoken greetings, words, and phrases, when accompanied by visual clues and/or prompts, as needed.
NL.CLL. 2.2 Understand the meanings of spoken words that are similar to those in the students’ language.
NL CLL 2.3 Identify written words and phrases that are similar to words and phrases in the students’ language.
NL CLL 2.4 Interpret phrases, commands, simple questions and descriptions that are presented with accompanying gestures, intonations, and other visual and auditory clues.
NL CLL 2.5 Recognize vocabulary and syntax of single words and simple memorized phrases in the target language.
NL.CLL.4.3 Recognize examples of cognates and loan words.

Task 1. 
Students should organize their notebooks and complete unfinished work in Google Classroom. Then they should turn in their notebooks so I can grade them over the weekend.

Then students should work with Latin III to create mottoes following the instructions below:

Task 2. Friday October 4.

Objective: Adopt Latin mottoes and illustrate them. Review work done September 30 and October 01, identify and answer questions. Introduction to Chapter 14.

EQ. Why do you think that so many organizations choose Latin mottoes?

Bellwork: Latin Mottoes on page 103. Read over the mottoes on page 103 and in Quizlet. 

Read over the mottoes on page 103. Choose 2 to illustrate. Your illustrations should contain the Latin, but not the translation. 

Design your motto illustrations to look like a simple symbol, a logo, a bumper sticker, a coat of arms or as a book illustration.  

Your illustrated motto must be large enough to be read from across the room. 

Sketch out your illustration in pencil then add color.
If you want to explore alternate mottoes (for example of the college you want to go to; or a branch of the military, or a profession) you may do that.

Finally. Latin occurs in many spheres of activity.  Through a combination of book and internet research, Find key terms, expressions or mottoes in one of the following:
US money
buildings & monuments
medicine (anatomy & physiology)

Locate a tatoo containing a Latin error. (extra credit)